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Arab American Bar Association
AABA is committed to social justice work and serving the public interest. AABA will provide informative legal workshops and trainings open to members of the legal community and the community at large. AABA's goal is to give back to the community and to offer assistance to underserved, underrepresented, and marginalized communities.

Workshops and Trainings
AABA intends to offer workshop and training sessions to enhance the community's knowledge about the law. Where possible, AABA intends to seek CLE transitional accreditation to assist attorneys with fulfilling their CLE requirements. AABA will be seeking volunteers with experience in various areas of the law to assist in providing CLE classes so that AABA may become an accredited provider. Please contact AABA if you have an interest in offering a CLE course, or a workshop or training for the community.

Pro Bono Legal Services
AABA seeks to provide pro bono legal assistance to expand access to the law, particularly to the underrepresented, underserved, and marginalized members of society. AABA is interested in assisting community members with various legal issues, including Deferred Action for Childhood Referrals (DACA), naturalization and consumer debt. AABA expects to expand its pro bono services as the organization grows. If you are an attorney who is willing to assist AABA in providing pro bono legal services through trainings, partnerships, or dedicating resources and assistance through your firm, please contact us.

Community Services
AABA is interested in volunteering in a non-legal capacity in the community as well. AABA intends to take part in food and toy drives as well as participating in various community service projects as needed. If you would like AABA to volunteer for your cause or at your event, please contact us.
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